97% of your website visitors leave WITHOUT making contact with you.

You’re literally GIVING your competition your sales opportunities.

Visitors Revealed identifies anonymous traffic so you can make FIRST contact.

Websites don’t convert the majority of their traffic – no matter where it comes from. This means there’s a truckload of lost opportunities you keep paying for, even when the majority of your visitors don’t convert.

These sales opportunities have slipped through your fingers since your website first went live. Isn’t it time to start making contact with these visitors before they end up buying from your competitors?

How much are these LOST opportunities costing you?

Want to add more qualified leads to your sales pipeline without a website redesign or any changes or updates to your marketing or ads? Visitors Revealed makes it possible!


What percentage of total traffic to your website are you failing to convert on a daily basis?

Average traffic conversions for most websites is somewhere around 3% – that’s from all your ads, content, email, SEO and social combined.

How do you plug that leaking sales funnel?

The Visitors Revealed toolset is a Swiss Army Knife of services that adds to or replaces your other marketing tools.

You can stop sending competitors your sales

It’s your website and your traffic. Why would you ever allow people shopping for what you offer to continue on and leave without you trying to communicate with them? Makes no sense, right?

You get contact info for following up with visitors

Stop missing the sales from prospects who leave your website before contacting you. Find out who visits you, get their company and staff contact information in real-time – then simply follow up.


You can learn prospect's initial interests

You’ll consistently create a more impactful and memorable first impression when Visitors Revealed shows you know what your website visitors are interested in before you reach out and make contact.

You get first contact advantage over competitors

Don’t wait until your website traffic contacts you. Getting to them first (before they commit elsewhere) and starting the conversation on your terms allows you to begin the relationship in your favor.

You can manage your reputation reviews

Prospects highly value reviews as a representation of your business. You can now manage that activity, plus send review requests to both past and current customers to get more reviews.

You can match email opens and click-throughs to leads

You’ll know what happens when and after a prospect or customer gets your email. That way you’ll have a clear idea of what to do next to maximize outcomes and identify what’s really working.

You can track inbound calls to specific phone numbers

Tracking inbound marketing and sales calls through specific phone numbers tells you even more about when, how and where your sales opportunities are developing in your funnel.

You track marketing and advertising response

All of your promotional activities (ads, print, social media, phone calls, direct mail – even door knocking), need to produce more identified website visitors – not just more anonymous traffic.


You can monitor prospect and lead interest levels

After you make contact with prospects see if, when, and how quickly they return to your website for more. This way you’ll have more insights into leads getting cold, warm or hot to do business.


You monitor your current customer temperature

Your current customers should be quickly identified when visiting your website – especially if you want to keep them happy, reduce attrition and extend their lifetime value with additional sales.


You identify and track your snooping competition

Are competitors visiting your site to copy or track what you’re doing? Use this to know who they are, when they come snooping and which of your pages they are interested in the most.

You get opportunities to increase your bottom line!

Here’s the bottom line. You want to make more sales from visitors showing an interest in your offerings. And you want to contact them sooner than your competitors. Or you don’t.

These are just a few of the many ways Visitors Revealed helps you capture the sales opportunities you are losing EVERY DAY.

Stop the madness – get your Test Drive now!

Using more resources than necessary to hunt new business? You sure are...

Why hunt for what you’ve already got?

It’s right there under your nose. Few people land on your website by accident. In fact, most are there intentionally and headed toward a purchase – either with you or your competition. Stop ignoring them.

You have something they want and it’s up to you to identify those opportunities and make contact before they continue searching elsewhere. The question is, how do you identify more of the companies that don’t make contact first? You can’t – but Visitors Revealed can do it for you. Try it, see the results, then decide!

Still have questions?

Need more info before getting your website's Visitors Revealed?

Use the form below and ask away. We look forward to hearing from you.

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